I’ve been playing Eve Online for a while now and sometimes I wanted to run it in the background but due to the cpu load Eve takes this is not really possible.
So I searched and found a program called cputhrottle (more info here)
It enables you to set the cpu usage of a process as a percentage.
So lets say Eve usually takes 80% cpu, with cputhrottle you can set this to 40%.
All great stuff, but grew tired of constantly running the Activity Monitor > locating Eve’s process id > then go into Terminal and run cputhrottle.
So using my tiny knowledge of applescript I wrote a scriptlet to do this process for you.
Here is the app: EveCPUThrottle.app.tgz
and here is the source scriptlet: EveCPUThrottle.scpt.tgz
Feel free to modify whatever you like.
If you find it usefull feel free to donate some ISK to me, my in-game character name is “Vorlean”